Our primary logo is Visionary Violet. This flat (single color) version is suitable for all color uses. There is a secondary version with a gradient below that can be used when printing full color on high quality machines or for digital.

Our secondary color logo includes a Surgical Steel gradient and is suitable for all high-end and metallic print, as well as digital applications for the larger NCH brand.
In full-color print applications where specialty printing is not possible, the secondary gradient version may be used.
Where the logo will be used in applications smaller than 1/2” wide, the flat grey version should be used (see left).
This version of the logo may also be used with service line applications.

The Visionary Violet logo with gradient adds depth and implies movement making the logo more dynamic. It is best used for higher-quality printing, digital, video or animation. It should not be used for any one color printing; it can only be used for full color prints. Avoid using on anything smaller than 1/2″.

This steel version may be used where black and white printing is warranted.

The knockout white version may be used over colors, dark backgrounds, and photography when needed.