The NICU Snugglers program is FULL.
Please do not complete an application if you are exclusively interested in that role.
Check back here for updates on the NICU Snugglers program.
Volunteers have been making a difference at NCH Healthcare System for over 60 years.
We offer volunteer opportunities at our two main hospital locations, and several off-site facilities.
Volunteer programs are available for full-time and seasonal residents, and local college students.
Now Accepting Adult Volunteer Applications
We are currently accepting adult volunteer applications for volunteers (18+) to serve in the following roles/departments:
- Arts in healing
- Concierge and guest relations
- Courtesy cart drivers
- Dog visitation
- Emergency department
- Gift shops
- Music practitioners
- Office assistance
- Patient and family waiting areas
- Spiritual care
- Volunteer office
Attention college students:
Before completing an application, please ensure that you meet the college student eligibility requirements. The deadline to serve during the summer months has passed.
College students are eligible to volunteer if:
- Student is enrolled at a local college or university; please apply with collegiate email address.
- Student is a dual enrolled high school student, taking classes at a local college or university; please apply with collegiate email address.
- Student can make a six-month commitment to volunteering; serving one four-hour shift each week.
2025 VolunTeen Summer Program
NCH is committed to supporting students in their pursuit of knowledge and understanding in the field of the healthcare profession. The VolunTeen program offers young people the chance to engage in volunteering within a stimulating environment. We hope you will encourage your teens to consider becoming an NCH VolunTeen! The 2025 Volunteen Summer Program is a two-month program that runs from June 2nd until July 26th. Please note that this is a highly competitive program and space is limited.
To be considered for the 2025 NCH VolunTeen program, students must meet the following requirements:
- Be at least 16 years of age before June 2, 2025
- Entering Junior or Senior year for the 2025-2026 School Year
- Have a minimum 3.0 unweighted GPA.
- Once accepted, students must attend Orientation and complete a TB Test.
- Complete 50+ hours of service during the length of the program.
- Complete an application and interview.
The application deadline for new and returning VolunTeens is March 23, 2025.
Thank you for partnering with NCH and supporting the next generation of healthcare professionals.
2025 Volunteen Summer Program
Click Below to Apply
Adult Volunteers and College Students
Click Below to Apply
Volunteer Office Locations
Volunteer Resources
- 2024 Annual Education Guide >
(for active volunteers only)