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Donor Couple Tours Cutting-Edge Simulation Center

You have the opportunity to tour one of the most futuristic features of NCH. The state-of-the-art Judith and Marvin Herb Family Simulation Center allows healthcare professionals, first responders, students and others to train in simulation rooms, fully functional operating rooms and other real-world scenarios. Users get access to high-fidelity, lifelike mannikins, as well as a virtual dissection table and other innovative equipment to learn patient safety, process improvement, teamwork, new research, how to perform procedures, and more.

Recently, Jim and Cath Fischer, donors and members of the NCH Medical Diplomats Council for 15 years, toured the Sim center and were amazed by what they experienced.

“I wish there would’ve been something like this when I was a student or just beginning in nursing,” said Cath. “You can learn so much, from helping to keep people healthy to reviving them in the ER setting.”

Cath also lauded the NCH da Vinci 5 room, which features surgical robots that can help doctors cut surgical times by up to half, using minimally invasive procedures, with reduced complications and faster recovery.

Jim understands the value of simulations from his background in leading training for 95,000 people as the chief capability officer at a world-famous consultancy.

“At NCH, we’re observing the 21st-century version of this approach, where they’re driving to be at the top tier of quality outcomes,” says Jim. “These tours demonstrate NCH is putting donations to good use. I see intended improvement in virtually everything the money’s being spent on.”

Jim knows NCH well. As a volunteer, he helped during the worst part of the COVID pandemic by using his experience in data analytics daily to summarize the numbers from the Florida Department of Health and provide reports to NCH leaders about real trends, case volumes, deaths and other important information to help everyone in the NCH community. The Fischers also donated for more masks and employee meals during COVID. They have been NCH patients, too. As they see contributions being used so wisely, they’ve been active in recruiting more NCH Medical Diplomats Council members.

Jim says, “We give to companies we think make a difference, and NCH, with their vision, you can see they are vested in leading with technology and top-tier professionals.”

If you would like to join the Fischers in donating to NCH or taking a tour of one of our many facilities, please call the Center for Philanthropy at (239) 624-2000 or give today at

Thoughtful gifts of all sizes enable NCH to meet the ongoing needs to ensure a healthy future for everyone we take care of throughout our hospital and community.