Jace Yawnick’s battle against cancer turned into a story of survival and hope. After a persistent cough led to an X-ray, doctors discovered two fluid-filled masses pressing on his heart. Yawnick endured nearly a year of 100-hour chemotherapy sessions every 14 days, determined to one day ring the bell marking the end of his treatment — a moment he finally achieved last week.
At the NCH Ball, Yawnick honored the doctors and nurses who helped save his life, as the community celebrated his victory with bellringing. Now cancer-free, Yawnick plans to live life to the fullest with his girlfriend, Sarah, and his family. He’s also launched a nonprofit to provide grants to local cancer fighters, continuing to inspire his over 700,000 social media followers.
👉 To learn more about Jace’s story, click here.
WINK covers Cancer survival, community support, gratitude, celebration, resilience, treatment, hope, love, nonprofit.