Public Safety Information

The NCH Healthcare System makes every effort to provide a safe and secure environment for patients, visitors and staff. However, infrequently but unfortunate incidents do occur. The following are a few guidelines for those who visit or become patients in our facilities:
  • Valuables
    • Patients are discouraged from keeping valuables (i.e. expensive jewelry, watches, credit cards or large amounts of cash) with them during their stay in the hospital. Valuables should either be sent home with a relative or trusted friend or released to an admitting representative and a receipt obtained. NCH only accepts responsibility for valuables that are placed into our custody for safekeeping and a receipt provided. All valuables retained in the possession of the patient are done so at their own risk.
  • Quality of Life Items
    • Eyeglasses, dentures and hearing aids are considered to be high-risk property that are often lost during the hospital stay. Staff members will make every effort to protect these items from loss. However, here are some tips that will help us:
      • Never wrap eyeglasses, dentures or hearing aids in napkins, tissue, or paper. Ask your nurse and a container will be provided.
      • Never place eyeglasses, dentures or hearing aids on your food tray or bed table. These items should always be placed in the drawer of your nightstand.
      • Make sure that your nurse knows that you have these items and tell them immediately if you cannot locate them.

Please take reasonable precautions to protect yourself and your property. Be aware of your surroundings and report strange or suspicious behavior or persons to your nurse and security. Immediate security assistance can be obtained by dialing ext. 3333 at either hospital.

  • During late night hours, security officers will provide escort to the parking lot for family members and visitors who are uncomfortable. For assistance, please contact 239-624-1560 at NCH Baker Hospital Downtown or 239-624-6141 at North Naples Hospital.
  • Cell phones are prohibited in critical care and surgical areas, the Women’s and Children’s unit and Cardiac Cath unit. For other areas of the hospital, please check with the nurse in charge before using a cell phone.
  • NCH Healthcare System has a zero tolerance policy for violence in our facilities. All persons who visit our facilities are required to comply with our standards of behavior. Failure to do so could result in the violators removal from the premises and formal trespass action under Florida statute.
  • Possession or use of alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs on hospital property is strictly prohibited and security officers may search the person or property of any person they reasonably believe to be in possession of contraband items.