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Teleneurology is similar to telemedicine in that it is not a distinct medical specialty. It is a branch of telemedicine in that it offers consultations for neurological problems from a remote location using telephone or the internet. It encompasses teleconsultations, teleconferencing and it may be initiated by a doctor or a patient. Some conditions neurologists report diagnosing and treating include headaches, dementia, strokes, multiple sclerosis and epilepsy.

The initiatives by clinicians in using teleneurology have been notable in stroke patients. Thrombolytic treatments are decided upon in an urgent manner. Neurologists are now able to assess a patient using this technology wherever the patient is located. Patients themselves are using teleneurology in increasing numbers.

They are finding out about this option when searching medical websites and search engines regarding their health problems. It is expected that this form of diagnosis is going to have a major impact on all patients and neurologists.

Telemedicine itself is medicine conducted at a distance. Consultations are not done in person. Diagnoses are done remotely. The concept is not very new. It dates to about 1969. What has changed is that technology allows diagnoses to be conducted over a telephone or via a web cam. These forms of technology allow the boundaries of space and time to fall away, making it faster for doctors to diagnose patients and for patients to access those diagnoses with a speed not known prior to the development of telemedicine.

Many medical specialties make use of telemedicine. Radiologists, pathologists and dermatologists have used telemedicine for a while mostly because of the need for visual reports and patient imaging. Telepsychiatry has begun to flourish. Patients are able to communicate with less apprehension when they can conduct a session with their doctor via the Internet. Teleneurology has begun developing in a widespread manner in recent years.