
Outpatient Infusion (OPIS)

We welcome you to NCH OPIS and are pleased to serve you. Our nursing staff consists of registered nurses, unit secretaries and clinical technicians. Over 60% of our nurses are certified in either oncology or infusion therapy. These certifications complement our patient population nicely since we treat not only cancer patients but patients with a variety of infusion therapy needs.

We are proud to have two social workers on our team as well, who focus on pre-certifying your treatments and on obtaining medications for those with special circumstances.

We serve our patients on holidays and weekends on a limited basis. These appointments are reserved for patients who require daily or urgent treatments.

OPIS Services

  • Chemotherapy administration and teaching for oncology patient care requirements that can be met with an ambulatory care setting
  • Therapeutic and supportive care measures, including intravenous infusions such as antibiotics, blood transfusions, hydration, chemotherapy and monoclonal antibody therapy
  • Injections
  • Insurance authorization review
  • Access to breast health navigator and palliative care
  • Survivors and friends cancer support group


Below are some helpful tips while you are receiving care at OPIS:

  • Please update us with any insurance or physician changes as soon as possible so that we can update our records.
  • Be sure to let the nurse know of any changes in your health status or medications at the beginning of each appointment.
  • Please be aware that we make every attempt to see you at your scheduled appointment time, yet other patient complexities and issues may cause unexpected delays. We will always do our best to keep you updated of delays.
  • You may notice that other patients may be taken into the treatment area before you even though you were there before them. This is based on their treatment complexity; not due to ‘jumping’ one patient over another.
  • If you are early for your appointment, please enjoy a cup of coffee and watch television. You are encouraged to bring in simple snacks and drinks as our choices are very limited.
  • Space is often limited. Therefore, we may not always be able to accommodate visitors in the treatment areas.
    Please stop at the reception area and double-check your next appointment time. You typically will not receive a reminder call. Please call us in advance should your schedule change.
  • If you are late, we will try to work you in or you may have to be rescheduled.
Limitations of Service

OPIS does not have an outpatient laboratory and cannot provide laboratory services. The only lab draws that can be done are those that are necessary for the specific treatments as identified above.

We will work to coordinate orders specific to your current treatment with your physician. However, we are not able to send those specific lab results, receive additional orders, or provide treatments outside of the current treatment plan or to non-ordering physicians. Certain regulations limit our ability to provide you with copies of those specific laboratory results. Your ordering physician will be able to provide you with the full array of results along with explanations of such. We encourage you to sign-up for the MyNCH Health Portal where you can retrieve your personal results. Our staff can direct you how to sign-up for this service.